Thank you!
For booking your Intro Call with the Sowello Health™ Team.
Please note, we will NOT be calling you directly and we use a secure, video conference call platform called Zoom. This call is complimentary.
Please remember, the purpose of the complimentary Intro Call is to better understand your situation to determine if/how our Team may best support you and if so, what are best next steps as well as to answer your question regarding how we might best work together. We will not make medical recommendations during your Intro Call as there are many details needed to pinpoint recommendations for your unique case.
We have sent the below information via a calendar invite, however, please copy the details below and/or bookmark this page to help you connect with us at your scheduled day and time:
How to Connect to your INTRO CALL using Zoom:
A couple of minutes before your scheduled call, please:
Join from your computer by clicking here:
Or iPhone one-tap:
US: +16468769923,,8377246100# or +16699006833,,8377246100#
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 837 724 6100
International numbers are available:
Zoom is easy to use however please feel free to watch this 1-minute video to get acquainted with the platform in advance: