What is The Sowello Method?
Healthcare can be intimidating. At Sowello Health we work together, helping you regain your natural health rhythm.
The Sowello Method™ is a genuine client centered process. We help you determine where you are stuck now and where you need support so that you can get on with your life!
The Sowello Method™ ~
1. a bio-individualized health plan, co-designed with the client, moving from where they are today to where they want to be
2. consistent interface to build trust, adjust plan, deepen understanding about health, implement new tools, and build confidence (mental/physical/emotional)
Sowello represents the image that all doctors and nurses trained for and continue to aspire to but can’t fulfill because the current healthcare model limits them to take care of the computer and not the patient. Sowello takes time to listen, gets to know the clients, understands their unique physical, mental and emotional needs, and supports them (& their families) throughout the entire integrative process. Like any new project, proper knowledge, practice and support will help achieve a sustainable health pattern which will then affect other areas of people’s lives, including their careers.
The Sowello Method™ is front-loaded because we take time to understand each individual and where that individual is in their health. We want to build their trust in us and our knowledge, but more importantly trust in themselves. We can then target what level of effort each individual currently is able to or desires to participate in improving or maintaining their current state of health. We help set priorities and focus future steps for each individual, properly utilizing both group and one-on-one sessions. We obtain this individualized information from the client, lab testing, genomics, Quality of Life & other surveys, specialty tests, nutrition and health history, to name a few.
If you are not comfortable with your health or find yourself trying to solve the same problem over and over with no results, please contact us, happy to map out solutions.